Ministers have come to the rescue. Artists must seize this chance – up to a point Lord Copper

The leader article, ā€œMinisters have come to the rescue. Artists must seize this chanceā€ in the Guardian on the 2nd June ( sounds reasonable till you analyse the Arts Councilā€™s 10 year strategy ā€œLets Createā€. ā€œLetā€™s Createā€ reads as if written by people remote from the practical issues Ā which the arts face every day and given its limited resources, its goals are unachievable. Musicians, dancer, painters, poets, writer, singers have been conveniently dumped into a box marked ā€œCreative practitionersā€. This is one size fits all and ignores the diversity of expression. Culture has been reduced to a homogenous blob and creativity has been simplified to a uniform act, a level playing field in which the participants are all the same. The fundamental flaw is the absence of any art form policy and the Arts Councilā€™s failure to resolve inequalities in its last ten-year plan, should be publicly scrutinised and held to account FurthermoreĀ I see no concrete thinking of where we want to be?Ā  Now the money is in place the arts requires the development of a national arts plan that brings all the components of the arts together from pubs to cinemas; from opera houses to folk and jazz clubs, from theatres to art galleries. To make this happen the arts deserve a reformation in arts funding with an organisation that can deliver a rolling, realistic and coherent national plan for the arts where under-represented musics and art forms finally get a place in the sun.

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