Pete Allen News Letter – July 2023
Pete Allen Newsletter May 2023 Welcome to the Pete Allen Newsletter. This is the first in a regular monthly newsletter. If you do not want to receive this letter you can unsubscribe at the bottom of this email – I hope you won’t. The band has recently had a new addition – Chris Hodgkins on trumpet – otherwise…
I was bemused to read in the article “Time for Change” that Arts Council England gives 16% of its music funding to jazz. My last calculation in “Public Investment in Jazz 2012-2022” (see showed that of the total funding of music for Regularly Funded Organisations was £359 million of which jazz accounted for £6.9million or 1.9%. For…
On the 10th of September I attended a performance of City Lights at the Cadogan Hall sponsored by Citi and organised by Edicis. The event was to celebrate 125 years of British film. City Lights is Charlie Chaplin’s silent masterpiece that was produced after the introduction of the Jazz Singer in the Autumn of 1927…
So ran the headline in the Observer on Sunday 24th May 2020. It was an article by Oliver Dowden, Secretary of State for Digital Culture Media and Sport. ( ) The article presented the new task force and working groups which was the same old storey with the usual suspects in place. Of course…
There was an article in the Guardian on the 12th June 2021, “Oliver Dowden – The paymaster who is calling the tune in the culture wars”. The article highlighted what a wonderful smokescreen culture wars are for the inadequacy of the Secretary of State for Culture and the DCMS. They serve to reinforce the findings…
Pete Allen Newsletter September 2023 Welcome to the Pete Allen Newsletter for September here are the gigs: 3rd The Bacon Arms, Oxford Street, Newbury, RG14 1JB. 2.30 pm to 5 pm. Admission is £15 at the door, preferably by cash or cheque payable to P ALLEN. 6th The Conservative Club, Radway Place, Sidmouth, EX10 8TL 3 pm to 5.30 pm. Admission is £15 at the door, preferably…